Call or Text (801) 383-2233 to get a cash offer on your Utah house from Joe Homebuyer!
Selling to a cash buying company is becoming increasingly popular because of the quick and easy process. You can have a cash offer on your home within 24 hours, with no inspections or appraisals needed. It’s really no mystery how the company can come up with the amount.
It’s true what the experts say about location. It can be the most important factor in determining a home’s value. Two comparable homes located in different areas can vary widely in price.
The details also affect the price. The home’s proximity to desirable amenities, such as schools and shopping centers, can increase the price. On the other hand, if the house is next to unwanted features like railroad tracks, or if it’s in a flood zone, the sales price can decrease.
It’s well known that larger houses tend to be valued at a higher price than smaller houses. The number of bedrooms, bathrooms, the size of the rooms, and the size of the lot all goes toward figuring out the sales price. Other details, such as whether there is a basement, a fireplace, a pool, and so on, can add to the value.
The cash buying company will also look at the generation condition of your home, though they won’t go picking and prodding into all the details. If your house is a real fixer-upper, it will not draw as large of a sales price as a home in great condition.
Lastly, the housing market is important because it’s largely based on supply and demand. If available houses are scarce, the value can rise. The opposite is also true. When the market is flooded with homes for sale, yours could be overlooked.
You might be wondering why this makes a difference because you don’t list your home when selling to a cash buying company. For one, the market effect is generalized to all homes. Plus, the cash buying company will eventually resell the home they buy from you.
Representatives from a cash buying company will be upfront with you about the offer they make. Since it always carries no obligation, you risk nothing in asking. It might be the easiest way you’ve ever sold a home.
How much cash can you get for a Salt Lake City area home? Click here for a no-obligation offer .