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Think it’s impossible or nearly impossible to pay off your mortgage, within, say ten to fifteen years, instead of thirty years? Think again. Continue reading to discover five ways to pay off your mortgage faster, so you can take that burden off your shoulders and your budget.
Amazingly enough, more than 26.9 million Americans have no mortgage loan, meaning they own their home. While some paid outright cash for it, others whittled away their mortgages until it was gone. Their secret? Paying extra on principal. Every time you pay additional on your mortgage, that extra gets applied to your principal balance, not the interest. Let’s break this down further so you know exactly what to expect.
First, and foremost, consult with your mortgage company. Some companies may charge prepayment fees or accept extra payment only at specific times. Include a note that details you want the additional payment to go to the principal balance and not to the subsequence month’s payment. Think twice about spending your money on a mortgage-accelerator program—you don’t need it! Sending an extra payment quarterly or every six months adds up. You can check out a mortgage payoff calculator online to help you estimate how fast you can pay off your home.
Here’s the meat of today’s blog, the how of paying off your mortgage early. Here are five options:
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