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When is the right time to buy a new home ? There are many factors to consider while deciding when to purchase a new home. You might be wanting a change in scenery, need more space for your family, or be considering a move to another state where the cost of living is much lower than where you currently live.
Regardless of why you’re considering buying a new home, some common signs can help you know when it’s time. You’ll want to look at these five signs before making this big decision.
If you’ve been moving around a lot to find new jobs, schools or avoid the cold winter season, it could be time to settle down and purchase a new home.
You might want more space for your family. You may need more bedrooms and bathrooms for your children and their friends. Or you might be considering moving due to financial constraints in your current environment. If you’re tired of living in apartments and have the means to buy a new home, it may be time!
If you don’t plan on retiring in your current state, you may want to consider moving to another state where the living costs are much lower.
For instance, if you live in an expensive city like New York City, you might be able to find a cheaper home here in Utah. You can also use sites like Niche or to identify great deals on housing across the country.
If you have paid off your home, you may feel like you’ve won the game, as it’s a financial milestone for so many people. But do you know what your home is worth? You may be sitting on equity of which you are unaware. In fact, you could potentially sell your home for a profit and move into a new space without having to get a new mortgage or put down enough cash that your payments are significantly smaller this time around.
If you own your home outright and you’re considering moving, right now may be the perfect time to act on it!
If your children are now adults, you may be feeling it’s time for a change. If they are grown and getting married, starting careers, or moving out of the house, this might be one of the signs that it’s time for a new home.
The closer you are to retiring, the more likely it’s time to move on from your current home. The kids have left the house, and your space is too big for just you. You want to retire in a warm, sunny state where the cost of living is low.
If you’re nearing retirement age, it might be time for a new home. Just be aware that some states have long waiting periods before seniors can qualify for certain types of housing assistance programs. Make sure you research both state eligibility requirements and senior housing programs beforehand so that you don’t find yourself scrambling later on.
Ready to make a change? There’s never been a better time to buy a new home in Utah! In as little as seven days, Utah Sell Now can buy your home for cash. You won’t have to wait a single second to move into a new home, and you don’t even have to pay closing costs. Give us a call today.